Album Reviews

Chris Brown “In My Zone”

“Can Brown take over Tinsel Town?”

Chris exploded on the music scene when he still needed permission slips. He is now attempting to burst out of his own teenager shadow with this new mix-tape entitled “In My Zone”. Let it be known from town to town that the young teen heart throb, Chris Brown, is ready to have the footie cut off his pajamas. Ladies Chris is a smooth talking, provocative animal who has clawed his way into your speakers.

The tape has one message and one message only to get across to the general public and that is, sex. Chris is speaking openly about positions, thoughts, noises, and all the details in between. I am not saying that this tape is one big x rated collection, although you might need to ban it from school dances. Brown incorporates sexual comments with witty banter, playing off scenarios that we understand and twisting the lyrics.

There are a couple tracks that leave nothing to the imagination, he lays it all on the floor, and the bed for that matter, and he even sprinkles some on the wall. With the exception of his highly seductive vocals and lyrics, there are a few up tempo dance hits within this tape. This is where I feel that Chris Brown truly shines, where his voice and stamina really captures a tracks essence. He did his own version to the radio hit “how low can you go” by Ludacris. Brown’s version surpassed the original by a landslide, Chris is able to keep up with fast tempos and not have his voice lost in all the commotion.

Within my praise of his album, there are a few disappoints, Brown’s tracks have tendencies to have overshadowing beats making it extremely difficult to hear or even understand his lyrics. It is impossible to vibe with his tracks if we can’t hear his voice. It comes down to the simple fact that Chris cannot connect with the audience if he is not connecting with his own music. All albums have ups and downs and Chris is barely balancing that load.

Chris is known for his smooth style that he has made his own; within this tape he switches roles and becomes somewhat of a rapper. It is a tricky transition when singers branch out of their comfort zones, whether it is for movie roles or another music genre. Some, rather most artists tend to fail at their transitions. Brown would be considered an exception, his voice meshes well with rap-made beats. He does balance out his tracks with a “Chris Brown” melody incorporated into his verses and chorus.

I would not say that this mix-tape is going to catapult Chris into any R&B singer hall of fame wall. I do believe, however, that it is a stepping stone for what this uprising star is sure to achieve. Chris has unlimited potential and many are waiting at the edge of their seats to watch his range spread. Brown is writing his own lyrics and is still searching for his own sound, and his own voice. What a joyous day in music, when he perfects his craft. I give “In My Zone” by Chris Brown 3 out of 5 stars.



Alicia Keys- The Element of Freedom
“Alicia hits the right Keys”
Her first two singles for this album exploded on the music scene and excited all Alicia fans, she was back! That’s right that time of year came around, December 15th 2009 the queen of vocals, Alicia Keys dropped her latest studio album “The Element of Freedom”. There were some high expectations with this release considering that the albums that preceded it took over the charts in a record breaking way. Alicia’s first appearance to most of the world was when she was the ripe age of 19, she amazed us then and she hasn’t stopped. She “kept on Fallin” and the music gods keep on smiling.
“The Element of Freedom” compliments Keys maturity as a writer, pianist and vocalist. The piano breaks reflect her developing craft. The instrumental portions are more complex this album, you can feel the strength behind every key. With every album she gives us some classical enjoyment on the first track, and with each album the instrumental music grows with a remarkable quality. She teased our ears with samples of her voice, samples of her talent on her collaboration with hip hop mogul Jay Z in “Empire state of Mind.” Her album has the same song, with a classic Keys twist.
With only her voice on this track, it had new added lyrics, new tempo, new emotion but it was the same fantastic hit. Alicia rarely puts out an upbeat track, this album is no different. Among all of my praise towards Keys, I had one unpleasant experience whiling listening to the album. She called upon the expert of the booty shakes Beyonce. Former Destiny’s Child lead singer was brought on board for a horrendous anthem entitled “Put it in a love song.” I was disappointed to say the least as my ears bled out during this track. It seemed like a bad collaboration, but everyone makes mistakes all is forgiven, moving on.
I’m skeptical to say that her voice is peaking at this moment. Since Keys always finds a way to top her last appearance. She outdoes herself and only herself since there is not much competition for her. You seen her performances, she is actually glowing. Her career has blossomed in an unimaginable way; she has become the marker that all other singers are measured by. The amount of talent behind this album, gives me chills.
“Unthinkable” has to be my favorite track; the hook stays with you after one time hearing it. It has relatable lyrics, to any female wanting more out of their existing relationship. Alicia hits every note, every piano key to the true definition of perfection. I smell Grammy nominations followed by arms full of golden gramophones to add to her already vast collection. I give Alicia Keys “The Element of Freedom” 4.7 out of 5 stars.

Drake “Thank Me Later”
“Thank you… much later”
Drake, you either love what he does or want to rip your ears out when he comes on the radio. There is no grey area with this young MC. Whether you think that he is singing way too much on his albums, or you like what direction he is taking hip hop, you cannot deny that this man is here to stay! His highly anticipated album “Thank me Later” raised a few concerns, will he be able to make those numbers, or will it flop.
I must admit, the singing has gone overboard. There is nothing wrong with singing a hook or a break, and Drake is the man to pull that off. However, within this album there are too many full songs of just singing with no rap breaks, no heart and soul of hip hop incorporated. That is where I get lost there needs to be a balance within tracks there are no exceptions. Once the overload of singing past through my system and I flushed, I was able to enjoy the album.
Drake has one of the most distinct voices known to the game, it is his bread and butter, and it can make or break him. I love his voice, rapping, I enjoy his voice singing, in moderation. Tracks like “Up all Night”, and “Miss me” are a testament to this man’s star quality. Upbeat anthems are what make him Drake. My spirits are literally uplifted when a good beat drops and Drake pummels it with an amazing verse.
Having tremendous cameos does not hurt at this point besides his Young Money family Drake has put on the likes of Jay Z, Young Jeezy, T.I., The Dream and Alicia Keys. He should learn from these established stars, the tracks mentioned have good vibes to them and are a main reason why “thank me later” is on everyone lips.
There are instances within this album that Drake may be labeled a “punch line rapper” much like his mentor, Lil Wayne. This is not the highest of compliments considering Drake has the ability to become a hip hop hall of famer. There is no stopping the Young Money team at this point, the only obstacle that can knock them down, is themselves. Drake is in a position that he will self destruct his own career, with his overload of “the next thing” mindset that seemed to control this album.
Weighing out the tracks on this album, it is clear that the good trumps the bad. A couple of experimental tracks like “Karaoke” can be overlooked, seeing as how blood was shooting out of my eardrum before the end. The hits off this album are incredible, and make Drake worth listening to. Thank me Later is not a hard core type of life changing album. It is not filled with tough issues or intellectual lyrics, it is solely a have fun and be positive motto.
Drake as an artist is growing I will give him time to grow out of this American Idol phase. This album is appropriately entitled “Thank me Later” since we will need time to thank him for what he will bring to us, in the future. No thanks needed at this point. Overall the album was enjoyable and that is what we can ask from Drake, I give “Thank me Later” 3 out of 5 stars.

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